Proofreading, editing, and auditing

Checking your words achieve your goals

Words matter

get them right

Spelling and grammar not your strong suit? No worries, it’s not for everyone. But is that an excuse to have errors all over your website or work? No!

Getting your website, slide decks, books, reports, etc. proofread means you won’t lose trust, credibility, or customers because of silly errors. Because typos do put people off.

So, I implore you, get your work professionally proofread or edited. I’ll catch things you didn’t know were there and will give you the absolute ace, gold-standard, crème de la crème, chef’s kiss edge. And who doesn’t want that?

It’s also probably more affordable than you think. Prices below.

Proofreading, editing, auditing

  • Proofreading

    Checking work for spelling and grammatical errors, typos, broken links, and inconsistencies in formatting and references.

  • Editing

    Includes proofreading (spelling and grammar etc.) plus editing phrases and sentence structure for clarity, tone, and readability.

  • Fact checking AI work

    If budget constraints mean you must use AI, get it checked because it can and will lie. I fact check, edit for tone and flow, and optimise for SEO.

  • Auditing

    Website and social media audits per number of webpages/posts. I look at brand messaging and tone of voice, alt text, descriptive CTAs and more (detailed below).

Get it checked

Wouldn’t it be great to write without having to worry about annoying things like spelling and grammar? Let your creative juices flow and leave the proofreading to me.

It’s also pretty difficult to proofread something you’ve been working on. Trust me, I know, and I’m a professional proofreader! You absolutely can and do go blind to your own work.

But, when 74% of web users pay attention to the quality of spelling and grammar on company websites, and 59% would actually avoid buying from a company that made obvious spelling or grammar mistakes - it’s important for your stuff to be right.

What I catch:

  • Spelling errors

  • Grammatical errors

  • Formatting errors - lines, double spaces, inconsistencies, etc.

  • Incorrect capitalisation

  • Broken links

  • Errors in references (in the body of work and references section)

Fixed price website packages

  • Brochure

    3-5 webpages

    Proofread: £100
    Edit: £160

  • Professional

    6-10 webpages

    Proofread: £200
    Edit: £320

  • eCommerce

    11-20 webpages

    Proofread: £400

More info. and pricing

  • Look professional with tip-top writing that’s free from errors.

    Proofreading includes checking work for spelling and grammatical errors as well as inconsistencies in formatting and references.

    I proofread:

    - Books/eBooks/magazines
    - Articles
    - Reports
    - Essays/assignments
    - Slide decks/presentations
    - Leaflets and print materials

    Basically anything you need to be correct and professional - which should be everything!

    £35 an hour (min. charge 1 hour)

  • Editing includes everything from proodreading 👆 plus editing sentences for the best flow, effectiveness, clarity, and comprehension.

    I edit:

    - Websites/landing pages
    - Blogs/articles
    - Books/eBooks/magazines
    - Reports
    - Slide decks/presentations
    - Leaflets and print materials

    £45 an hour (min. charge one hour)

  • I don’t recommend you use AI to write BUT I understand some people can’t afford to get copy or content written from scratch.

    So, if you must use AI, you need to get it checked. It can and will produce inaccurate information stated as fact. This lawyer got in trouble for using AI which straight up fabricated previous cases as supporting evidence.

    I will:

    • Check and correct facts and links

    • Add recent, relevant internal and external links

    • Edit repeated words and overuse of the rule of three etc. for better flow

    • Check use of 2-3 keywords and improve

    £35 an hour just to check and correct facts, £45 an hour to check facts and edit. Min. charge one hour.

  • Auditing webpages, social media posts or email campaigns to see how well they’re doing in conveying your brand message, tone of voice, and goals.

    You’ll receive a document that includes what’s going well and where you need to improve.

    What’s covered:

    • If it’s immediately obvious who you are and what you do

    • If your CTAs are descriptive

    • If your brand messaging and tone of voice are consistent

    • If your website is easy to read (font size, colour contrast, blank space)

    • If your images have alt text

    • Keyword choice and use

    What I audit:

    • 3-5 webpages

    • 10 social media posts

    • 3-5 emails from a sequence/campaign

    £350 fixed price for one of the above 👆

    Want me to action the recommendations for you? Easy. There'll just be a small added fee.