What’s a Copywriter and do you need one?

If you’re not from the World of Marketing there’s a good chance you haven’t heard of a Copywriter before. It’s not the same as ‘copyright’, but they sound exactly the same so no one’s blaming you for getting them confused.

A 'Copywriter’ is someone who writes ‘copy’, but here we go again with the marketing terms. ‘Copy’ basically means words that are written for advertising or marketing purposes. Once you know that, you see the world is absolutely full of it - brochures, billboards, leaflets, webpages, shop windows etc.. You’ll come across loads of different types of copy every day.

The question now remains of whether you should invest in a Copywriter or if you should just give it a go yourself.

What makes good copy?

The thing with writing is that everyone can do it. Especially in this digital age where we’re constantly writing texts, emails and direct messages. But can everyone write good copy? Honestly, no. I know as a Copywriter this might sound super biased, so let me explain.

Writing copy is more than hashing out a few hundred or thousand words and marveling at your prowess.



  • Who’s the customer; what do they need; what are their pain points?

  • Who are the competitors; what do you have that they don’t?


  • It’s called a first draft for a reason. Copy should always be re-read and refined — if you’ve stopped after one go I can guarantee it isn’t as good as it could be.

  • That means us Copywriters don’t just research once and then write once. There’s a lot of adding, changing, editing and improving.


  • Your copy will be sloppy if you haven’t proofread it properly, but not everyone is a good proofreader. Especially if you’ve been working on something for a while and go blind to your work.

  • It doesn’t matter how awesome what’s being said is, if it’s full of mistakes it’ll put most people off.

Copywriters are professionals — we not only have a flair for writing, we have the knowledge and discipline to write next-level copy that inspires your customers to act.

What does good copy get you?

The proof is in the pudding my friends. Choose a Copywriter for your website copy and you’ll get:

More views

  • Through our research we know what keywords to use and how to use them properly. Google is a finicky beast and doesn’t like too few or too many keywords used and especially doesn’t like them used the right way.

  • Thankfully we know how to write with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in mind, which gets you more views on your website organically (without you having to pay). Now who doesn’t want that?

More sales

  • We know how to write persuasively, selling your product or service in a way that makes it super attractive to your customers.

  • You’ll also be benefiting from the aforementioned more views to your site, meaning more interested customers and more sales.

So, us Copywriters aren’t just doing an easy job that can be done by any Bob, Dick or Susan. Our craft takes skill and professionalism and, it’s kinda cheesy, but we really love writing copy that helps your business.

As I always say.. You (hopefully) wouldn’t attempt to plumb your house yourself, and you probably haven’t attempted to code your website yourself - so trust in the professionals once again and get a Copywriter for your website!

Sold!? You can reach me at hello@webwriter.uk or feel free to take a look around the rest of my website.


I’m Jade and I write down to earth copy and content for charities and social justice groups, and vegan or sustainable businesses.

Ready to maximise your impact? Drop me an email and let’s chat.


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