I asked ChatGPT to tell me what the UK would be like if it stole our jobs

A lot of the copywriting world is pretty worried about ChatGPT. On one hand, people joke that to get good content out of it you need to know how to brief it properly, which is true.

And if you’ve ever worked with clients, you’ll know that briefing (or even properly knowing what they want) isn’t always their strong suit.

So maybe we’re okay.

But also, maybe we’re not.

Because AI output is already quite sophisticated, apart from repetition issues like this appalling overuse of the rule of three, or plain boring writing. But it’s always learning, so those things will probably improve in time.

I do wonder what life could look like if we were spending less time working. At the moment, we’re not doing a good job of rolling with the times and using all the advancements in technology we’ve had since the industrial revolution to properly change the way we work.

Everything is done so much faster but we haven’t cut our working hours down yet - take the strange resistance to the 4-day work week. (Why do we hate ourselves?)

But what if a good chunk - like 30-44% - of work is done by AI while it generates us trillions of pounds? Think of all the free time we’d have for activities!

Alas, most of us worry about how we’d pay the bills or what other jobs we’d have to get if ours was automated. It takes some radical thinking to suggest that we take all the extra money we’re making from the ridiculously fast output and use it to give everyone a universal income to just live, learn, love, and make art.

So, to not only check again what the writing is like but to see what ChatGPT had to say for itself, I asked it the question. And, interestingly, a world of redefined socialisation, free time, priorities and success is exactly what it said life could be like for us in the UK.

Let’s see what it had to say for itself

I asked:

‘Can you write an informative but conversational article about what the UK could look like if ChatGPT were to take 30-44% of people's jobs. What would people do in their spare time? How would they earn money? How could life change? Would it change for better or for worse?’

And here’s what it wrote - formatting mine, obviously, but no other edits made:

Embracing a Transformed UK: Life in the Age of ChatGPT

Introduction: The rise of artificial intelligence and automation has sparked both excitement and concern about the future of work. As technologies like ChatGPT continue to evolve, it's natural to wonder how such advancements might impact society, particularly in terms of employment. In this article, we'll explore a hypothetical scenario where ChatGPT takes 30-44% of people's jobs in the UK. Let's dive into what life could look like, how people might spend their spare time, how they could earn money, and whether this transformation would be for better or worse.

A Shift in Spare Time: With a significant portion of jobs automated, people would likely have more free time on their hands. Rather than being burdened by longer work hours, individuals could reclaim leisure time for personal pursuits, self-improvement, and spending quality moments with loved ones. Hobbies and creative activities would likely experience a renaissance, with people engaging in art, music, writing, and other forms of expression. Additionally, community involvement, volunteering, and learning new skills could flourish as individuals seek fulfillment outside the realm of traditional work.

Alternative Income Sources: While automation may displace certain jobs, it also creates opportunities in new sectors. As the demand for AI-related technologies and services grows, individuals could transition into roles centered around designing, developing, and maintaining these systems. Moreover, emerging industries such as renewable energy, virtual reality, personalized healthcare, and sustainable agriculture would provide avenues for employment and income generation. Governments might implement measures like universal basic income or reskilling programs to support individuals during this transition, ensuring economic stability and reducing inequalities.

The Rise of Entrepreneurship: Automation could spark a wave of entrepreneurship, as individuals harness their creativity and unique skills to create their own businesses. With ChatGPT's assistance, aspiring entrepreneurs could rely on AI for tasks such as market research, data analysis, and customer support. Starting a venture would become more accessible, and innovative ideas could flourish. Collaborative platforms and coworking spaces would foster a culture of shared knowledge, networking, and collaboration, enabling individuals to leverage their expertise in niche areas and find new market opportunities.

Transformed Social Dynamics: The advent of automation would undoubtedly reshape social dynamics in the UK. Reduced work hours and increased leisure time could enhance work-life balance, promoting mental well-being and stronger personal relationships. Families could spend more time together, strengthening bonds and creating cherished memories. However, the shift could also challenge social structures and norms. As society evolves, individuals might need to adapt to new ways of socializing, finding purpose, and defining success. Communities could emerge as important support systems, offering spaces for collaboration, shared resources, and emotional connections.

The Prospects for the Future: Predicting whether this transformation would be for better or worse is complex, as it depends on various factors including government policies, societal attitudes, and technological progress. While automation may displace certain jobs, it could also lead to more fulfilling work, increased creativity, and enhanced leisure time. However, the transition might be challenging for some, necessitating robust support systems, retraining initiatives, and an emphasis on fostering equitable access to opportunities.

Conclusion: While envisioning a future where ChatGPT takes a significant share of jobs in the UK raises valid concerns, it also opens the door to exciting possibilities. Automation and AI have the potential to transform the way we work, freeing up time for personal growth, innovation, and meaningful connections. By embracing the changing landscape, investing in education and reskilling, and ensuring inclusive policies, the UK can navigate this transition and create a future where humans and AI coexist harmoniously, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling society.

Well, damn

Sure, as a professional writer I think there are some things wrong with the writing, but overall it’s pretty good.

During the past few months of dabbling with ChatGPT - basically to check out the competition - I’m sure the first few things it wrote always ended with ‘In conclusion’, which I hated. But this time it hasn’t. Has it learned that that’s terrible and stopped? Maybe so.

And to be honest, I like what it has to say. Particularly about the government needing to put in place robust supports like Universal Basic Income and, crucially, that we would have to redefine success.

Because you could worry that without jobs people would lack purpose - but what if purpose was about community and growth and experience instead of traditional work?

What if success wasn’t slaving away for 40 hours a week but simply creating, living, enjoying?

What if money made by AI was distributed fairly to sustain a rich and vibrant society? Because that’s exactly what art and community adds to life.

What would you do with more free time!?

Unfortunately, I feel that such a great societal shift is needed for this AI-facilitated utopia, that I’m still worried. Because writing copy and content, proofreading, and editing is all I want to do.

Sure, I could carry on for the love of it if I was getting my fair share of AI-generated income from the government - but without that I’d have to get a job I enjoy way less. Or possibly don’t enjoy at all.

But, if we embraced these advancements and used them to finance truly fulfilling lives, imagine how amazing that would be.

We’re once again on the edge of something life-changing and I’m nervously excited to see what’s going to happen.


I’m Jade and I write down to earth copy and content for charities and social justice groups, and vegan or sustainable businesses.

Ready to maximise your impact? Drop me an email and let’s chat.


If, for the moment, you still want a lovely human to write your words for you - get in touch.


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